Visitors are welcome to visit the archives and library of the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame and Museum, at no cost, during normal operating hours, with a scheduled appointment. Miscellaneous expenses will apply to photocopies, scans and faxes.

Research performed by our Museum Staff will be charged at a rate of $30 per hour. Rush requests, less than 7 days, will be charged at $50 per hour. Quotes will be provided in advance of beginning the research.  
Miscellaneous expenses will apply for photocopies, scans, etc.

National and Provincial Record Book

Our National and Provincial Record Book is a searchable pdf document.  To view this document, please click the appropriate record book below:

  • Golf Canada
  • British Columbia
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec

Some data is unknown. With the continued digitization of publications and research we hope to complete any missing data.